Our instructor-led, hands-on FileMaker classes are hosted virtually each quarter in Eastern and Pacific time zones. Classes are taught using the latest version of FileMaker available, but skills learned will apply to earlier versions as well. If you have any questions about the training sessions, please contact Cathy Harper at 508-270-8400 x214 or by email charper@supportgroup.com.
Sessions run from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST, with a one hour lunch break.
Course | Date |
Introduction to FileMaker | March 11 |
Intermediate FileMaker | March 12-13 |
Scripting with FileMaker | March 18 |
Introduction to FileMaker | June 3 |
Intermediate FileMaker | June 4-5 |
Scripting with FileMaker | June 10 |
Introduction to the FileMaker Platform
If you are new to the FileMaker Platform, this one-day workshop will get you up and running. Learn how to create and maintain a database using FileMaker. You’ll explore detailed handouts (useful later for reference), participate in active discussions and try out what you learn on the computer. You’ll find out how to design your database, build it and use it in your work.
This class is the first of our four-day Core Curriculum. Each course can be taken separately or together in one week.
Overview of databases – what are they, why do we use them, what’s involved
Planning – why careful plans make for successful databases
Creating – what you do to start a database
Defining – what different types of fields can do for you, and how to build them
Working – how to enter information, edit it, display it and prepare reports
Finding – how to locate just the set of records you need
Sorting – arranging a group of records in the order you need for on-screen comparisons or reports
Laying it out – how to make data entry layouts, columnar reports, and mailing labels
Sharing – saving reports as Excel or PDF documents
Intermediate FileMaker
This class is for those who have just completed our Introduction to the FileMaker Platform course or are already familiar with FileMaker and seeking to expand their knowledge to develop more sophisticated solutions for their business. You’ll explore detailed handouts (useful later for reference), participate in active discussions and try out what you learn on the computer.
You’ll find out how to design your database to make it easy for other folks to use, improving your layouts, creating portals to bring in data from related fields and running scripts and calculations. And you will get to ask about your specific interests.
This class spans days two and three of our four-day Core Curriculum. Each course can be taken separately, or together in one week.
Using multiple tables – storing different kinds of records in the same file
Importing and exporting – moving data in and out of FileMaker
Automating data entry – auto-enter options and updating multiple records
Calculations – how to build calculations
Advanced layout techniques– formatting, tab controls, web viewers and anchors
Value lists – pop-up lists and menus, radio buttons and check boxes
Reporting – generating reports with subtotals and grand totals
Scripting and buttons – what you can automate, and how
Introduction to relationships – what they are and how they help
Viewing related data – displaying related fields and creating portals
Scripting with FileMaker
This class introduces scripting for those who have just completed our Intermediate FileMaker course or are already familiar with the FileMaker Platform and are seeking to develop more useful solutions. You’ll explore detailed handouts (useful later for reference), participate in active discussions and try out what you learn on the computer.
You’ll find out how to use scripts to automate common searches, edit data, generate reports, and send emails. We’ll explore dialogs, logical branching, looping, script triggers, variables, and script parameters. And you will get to ask about your specific interests.
This one-day class completes our four-day Core Curriculum. Each course can be taken separately, or together in one week. This class is ideal for students who have previously attended our Intermediate FileMaker training, or have equivalent experience working with fields, layouts, and calculations.
Searching and sorting – multiple find requests, omits and sorts in a single script
Reports – previewing in a standalone window and preventing user aborts
Understanding layout context – performing scripts within the appropriate table
Conditional logic – utilizing “If/Else/End If” steps to determine actions
Variables – temporarily storing data in local and global variables
An introduction to script triggers – actions based on triggered file, layout and object events
Custom dialogs – interacting with users via multiple buttons on dialog messages
Editing data – adjusting data already entered in fields via scripting
Subscripts – having one script run multiple subscripts
Looping through records – going through each record and performing actions unique to that record
Navigating through relationships – linking between records on different tables
Email – sending email using addresses from one record or from across an entire found set
Have a report that isn’t summarizing the way you would like? Do you need to export data from your FileMaker solution but don’t know how to do it? Our one–on–one mentoring service might be just what you need. You will work with one of our experts, either in our office or remotely, to obtain personalized training or consulting on virtually any aspect of your FileMaker solution.
Contact us to arrange a mentoring session.
Our mentoring program gives you the assurance that comes with working alongside an experienced FileMaker Certified developer.
- Review the latest techniques and how to implement them in your solution
- Create new reports
- Map out an approach to your latest business problem
- Plan for an upgrade to the latest version of FileMaker
- Implement tighter security
- Review and fine-tune your FileMaker environment to ensure optimum performance